Appeal for Catholic Ministries, or ACM, is the new name for our annual diocesan appeal. For many years, this has been known as the Bishop's Faith Appeal. We pray our 2024 Appeal for Catholic Ministries will be a great success with many families participating. Thank you for all your help and support of our diocese!
Sacramental Preparation classes for all Confirmation, and First Communion students and their parents are in session. Classes will be every Sunday from 12:30pm to 2:00pm. These classes are mandatory! Please contact the Director of Religious Education with any questions.
There will be a special second collection on the weekend of February 8th, and February 9th, to benefit Heart to Heart, and SAAFE House. Heart to Heart provides utility assistance to Polk county, as well as provides bags of dried food for those in need. SAAFE house provides assistance to women and children in situations of domestic abuse. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.