CCD, or religious education classes, are held every Wednesday from 6:00pm to 7:30pm in the Family Center, for students in grades 1st- 12th.
Registration Requirements:
All students must be registered to attend classes. Registration can be completed at the church office. Please note, a copy of each child's baptismal certificate is required for all students first entering our Religious Education Program.
It is essential for all students, regardless of grade, that attendance be regular and consistent. Attendance is especially important for those wishing to make their First Communion and for the confirmation canidates. Dioscesan Guidelines require both First Communion and Confirmation canidates to have a minimum of two (2) consecutive years of religious education (CCD) classes.
Teaching and learning can only take place where there exists a mutual respect between catechist and student. Therefore, proper conduct, and respect towards others and the instructor, should be exhibited in the classroom at all times in order to fully obtain each aspect of spiritual learning.
Parental Involvement:
The success of our program depends upon you, the parents. You are the most important aspect in the spiritual education of your child(ren). As such, all parents are welcome to attend any of their child’s classes to see how you can help him/her grow in their faith.
If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Religious Education, or call the church office.
Let's learn and grow in our faith together!